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  • A snowy day in lockdown

    Thu 28 Jan 2021

    It seems that for the last 2 months, the weather has predicted a snowy day every single week and yet, it never comes. So last night, I was reluctant to believe that yet again “It will snow”. Fortunately, I was proven wrong!

    The white blanket covering the road and grass outside my window was a welcome sight to wake to and I wasted no time in escaping the confines of my house to enjoy this incredibly rare weather.  It was a great time as my family and I enjoyed all that comes with snow – snowball fights, snowmen, snow angels etc.  It seems not many wasted this opportunity as many other neighbours were also found outside and gave a much-needed chance to chat (socially distanced of course!).


    This weather was a huge morale boost for just about everyone it seems, as it was a change in the mundane, repetitive routine our lives have now become.  This lockdown doesn’t look to be ending soon but at least there is hope that not every day will be the same and that something may come along and change it.

    However, this event has left with me with one burning question: Are cancelled school days due to snow over now since schools can remote teach? I guess it was lucky this was a Sunday and not a Monday then!

    Josh A
    Year 11

  • Yr 12s enjoy Biology Masterclass

    Fri 22 Jan 2021

    Eight of our biology A Level students have signed up to a biology Masterclass run by Royal Holloway University.

    Lockdown and online learning has not perturbed their enthusiasm for extending their understanding of biology and the world around them. Cameron McKie, Ishwar Jabble, Oliver Sheppard, Shaan Dillon, Nathan Gaskell, Freddie Pope, Harry Elliott and Nathaniel Harlow (all year 12) are joining online sessions every Tuesday evening. These session are being run by a different Professor each week, with a variety of fascinating topics ranging from ‘The causes of cancer’ with Professor Laszlo Bogre, to ‘Surgical Site Infection’ with Dr James McEvoy (different spelling from the famous actor!).

    All the boys are going to gain a huge amount from this opportunity. Thank you to all the experts for giving up their time to allow our pupils to have as normal an experience during their A level studies as possible.

    Mr Wilson
    Head of Biology

  • Science: We’re not stopping practical just because of lockdown

    Fri 22 Jan 2021

    Well done to the year 9’s who have had a go at making and testing home indicators this week for Chemistry.  All kinds of coloured foodstuffs can be used to test household items like kitchen cleaner, toothpaste, soap, lemon juice and lemonade to see if they are acids or alkalis.

    Some really well organised home practicals have taken place.  Thank you to the parents and carers who helped the boys complete this task at home.

    Year 11 have also been using items to hand to complete some practicals in Physics.  Some fantastic seismographs (earthquake detetectors) were made, finding novel alternatives to school equipment.  Others have been using spoons and car wingmirrors (bearing in mind safety and staying on driveway) to compare images in different mirrors.

    Thanks to all patient parents for allowing their offspring to raid the cupboards! Science is always best when it’s practical!


    Mrs Arnold
    Head of Science