The Maths Department at Windsor Boys’ is well established; we have 7 members of staff, all of whom are Maths trained, and many have years of experience. We are accommodated in our own Maths block, with each of our 7 classrooms equipped with its’ own SmartBoard. We also have a separate study room, which our A level students make regular use of for independent study while still granting access to the Maths department staff.
Our aim is to make Maths enjoyable and challenging for our students, yet accessible to all. We want our students to be confident in their mathematical abilities and to develop skills they can take forward with them into their futures. At KS4 we provide both a higher and foundation programme of study, whilst KS5 options include both Maths and Further Maths A-Levels. Year on year each scheme of work provides students with opportunities to reflect on their learning, revise the skills and techniques required for mastery, and extend these skills further.
Within the department, standardised homework and assessments allow students to diagnose strengths and areas for improvement in their knowledge. This also allows staff to help students improve, consolidate and extend their understanding.
Students will progress through each sequence of lessons with opportunities for regular recall through “Do Now Tasks” and other lesson starter and revision activities.
Outside of lessons, students have the opportunity to compete in national mathematics challenges produced by UKMT and regularly qualify for further international rounds. There is the occasion to attend Royal Institute Mathematics Masterclasses and other lectures throughout the year for different year groups. In addition, we also have a team of 6th Form Maths Prefects who provide after school independent learning and revision support for pupils lower down the school.
Curriculum Statement: Mathematics
The study of mathematics, like the Nile, begins in minuteness but ends in magnificence.
Charles Caleb Colton
(1780 – 1832, English cleric, writer and collector)
The knowledge and skills that pupils will gain
Students will gain and develop confidence and competence in numeracy and develop problem solving skills. They will develop the skills to be critical and analytical of data, facts and figures found in the study of mathematics and its applications across the curriculum and into the real world.
Students will study the content outlined in the national curriculum, with built in opportunities to reflect on their learning and draw links to everyday life and other subjects.
Students will have the opportunities to work independently or within a team.
Curriculum features: continuity, progression and sequencing
At KS4 there are both higher and foundation programmes of study. KS5 options include both Maths and Further Maths A-Levels. Year on year each scheme of work provides students with opportunities to reflect on their learning, revise the skills and techniques required for mastery, and extend these skills further.
Within the department, standardised homework and assessments allow students to diagnose strengths and weaknesses in their knowledge. This also allows staff to help students improve, consolidate and extend their understanding.
Students will progress through each sequence of lessons with opportunities for regular recall through Do Now Tasks and other start and revision activities.
Tradition, Excellence, Character: Co-Curriculum enrichment
Students have the opportunity to compete in national mathematics challenges produced by UKMT and regularly qualify for further international rounds. There is the occasion to attend Royal Institute Mathematics Masterclasses and other lectures throughout the year for different year groups. There are also a team of 6th Form Maths Prefects who provide after school independent learning and revision support for pupils lower down the school.