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The Windsor Boys' School home page

The Windsor Boys' School

Uno Animo

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School opening hours

The school day starts at 8:35am and finishes at 3:05pm (32.5 hours per week) 

A Day in the Life of a Windsor Boy 



Students to have arrived on site

Students should aim to arrive at 8:30 am to allow for any delays.

Students can enter the school building and leave coats and collect equipment from lockers.


8:40 – 8:55


Students should be in their form room for registration. Any notices are given by tutors and on some mornings students will go to the Hall for an assembly.


8:55 – 9:55

9:05 – 10:55 

Period 1

Period 2

(Lessons start at 8:55 am)



10:55 - 11:25




11:25  12:25

12:25 – 1:25

Short break




Period 3

Period 4

At short break and lunch food is available to buy in the canteen. At break times students can go into the Quad or tennis courts; or the field if the weather is good.


1:25 - 1:55 

Lunch break


1:55 – 2:05


After lunch students go form rooms for afternoon registration.

2:05 – 3:05

Period 5



At the end of the school day there are clubs and sporting activities students can attend. Details of these will be in  form rooms.