Head Boy
Welcome from the Head Boy
My name is Toby Ayres and I am very proud to have been awarded the role of Head Boy for the 2023-24 academic year. I couldn’t be more thrilled to have this opportunity to share my experiences with you and the remarkable qualities that make our school a truly exceptional setting to learn and grow.
It doesn’t feel all that long ago when I joined The Windsor Boys’ School in Year 9, filled with excitement but also apprehension. It seemed very daunting coming from a small school to then be following a map to navigate the many buildings and corridors of TWBS! When joining I knew absolutely nobody and it appeared that many pupils knew each other, from middle schools or local sport clubs, however I quickly learned what an amazing school community there was here.
I think what is so special about TWBS is the wealth of opportunities that are just waiting to be taken - there are certainly no excuses for not getting involved! From the music department to the rowing club, rugby team, art club, board game club and science society, to name just a few! In Year 9 I was given the advice to get involved with absolutely everything, throw myself in headfirst, and not be afraid to stand out from the crowd. This advice led me to meet so many different people, learn new skills and make great friends along the way. Not only will this make your experience at TWBS more enjoyable but it will also allow you to develop academically, as a leader and as a rounded person; education is much more than just the grades! Whether students are starting or continuing their journey with us this year, it is never too late to embody the Uno Animo spirit!
In addition to amazing extra - curricular activities, the teaching staff go above and beyond to ensure our academic success and look to after our pastoral needs. They are truly dedicated to the school- some so much that they have returned to TWBS as staff members! No question or query is too much and we are encouraged to be ‘thinkers’ and have enquiring minds, which ensures that we can thrive in the real world. Now part of the Sixth Form, I have found the teachers are even more excited to share, and equally grow, their immense knowledge. They work beside us to prepare us to be independent and ready to take on all the challenges in our future careers.
We are also very lucky to have a dedicated careers advisor- providing us with broad, varied and abundant opportunities. Our link with Eton College, through the Thames Valley Learning Partnership, ensures we have access to the best resources, helping us to be aware of all our life options. Windsor boys are respected as individuals and encouraged to follow their dreams and passions. I hope one day to return to TWBS to share my career journey, as I aspire to be a commercial airline pilot!
I can’t express how excited I am for the opportunity to be Head Boy and aim to make a positive and meaningful change. I really hope to create an environment where nobody feels afraid to be the best version of themselves and to speak up about positive changes that they would like to see at the school. I aim to be an approachable figure who everyone can talk to, share concerns, ask questions and make suggestions for our amazing Senior Prefect team to work on! This year we plan to strengthen our links with The Windsor Girls’ School, our local community and our WLP partner schools- through outreach and charity events.
I really look forward to this academic year and meeting as many of you as possible!
Toby Ayres, Head Boy