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Curriculum Statement: Physics


We do not know why we are born into the world, but we can try to find out what sort of a world it is - at least in its physical aspects

Edwin Powell Hubble


The knowledge and skills that pupils will gain


The knowledge and skills that a pupil will gain in Science are based on the ability to analyse a problem and suggest solutions through investigation. Students have opportunities to deepen scientific knowledge and instil curiosity throughout their time at school enabling them to contribute to the changing world around them. Working scientifically is embedded in all three science strands so that students can develop scientific thinking, experimental skills, analyse, evaluate and use the correct terminology to express their ideas.


Curriculum features: continuity, progression and sequencing


The year 9 curriculum is designed to ensure students have a secure understanding of the KS3 concepts of Energy, Circuits, Waves and Forces.  There is an emphasis on developing their skills with practical equipment to be able to work independently at KS4.


The GCSE scheme of work is designed to ensure progression, developing the fundamental knowledge from KS3 with steadily increasing demand.  Mathematical skills are integral to the course and the scheme aims to coordinate with the teaching of Maths to enable all students to tackle calculation problems with confidence.  Development of literacy is integral with exam questions and mark schemes regularly analysed.  Practical work is planned wherever it enhances the learning effectively


The aim at A level is to engender enthusiasm for careers and degrees linked to Physics by ensuring competence with the exam topics and encouraging students to question and discuss ideas.  As at GCSE the scheme of work is designed to allow progression in understanding of topics and increasing opportunities to work independently.  Students are encouraged to assess their own work and topic tests are set regularly to ensure progress.


Tradition, Excellence, Character: Co-Curriculum enrichment  


The science department prides itself in the tradition of having student led societies where pupils are encouraged to pursue their passion in the world of science.  Debate is encouraged, furthering their ability to communicate their ideas with others, enhancing character through discussion and respect for conflicting opinions. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate excellence by entering a range of National Competitions including biology Olympiad and Cambridge chemistry challenge and taking in part in relevant trips and visits.


TWBS Learning Journey for Physics

The Windsor Boys’ School Physics Curriculum Map Year 9


Autumn 1


Autumn 2


Spring 1


Spring 2


Summer 1


Summer 2












Energy & Matter






Forces and space


P1 Energy

 Year 9 EXAM


P3 Energy Resources













Investigating temperature changes, conduction and insulation.



Particle theory, five key energy stores and transferring energy



This term we will do a lot of practical to learn HSW skills and terms.


Not in target science



Set up basic series and parallel circuits to measure potential difference and current Describe what potential difference, current and resistance are through practical investigations



Target science pages 20 to 25 and 32-33



Define different types of waves using key terms. Properties of light and sound waves including reflection and refraction


Target Science 92-97 and 104-109






Know that forces change the speed, shape and direction of objects.

Name key forces and use the appropriate equations to calculate speed and pressure

Name the key objects in space and how they relate to each other. Understand the central role of gravity in the universe.


Target science p60-67 and 128-139


P1 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy


Start of GCSE Course - AQA 


Define work, gravitational potential energy, power and efficiency with equations.

Describe energy transfers from one store to another.  Understand law of conservation of energy

Target science p148-153, 158-159



P3 Energy Resources


How to compare different renewable and non-renewable energy resources


How the environment is affected by the use of different energy resources.


Target science pages 160-167













End-Of-Topic Tests on:-


  • Energy and Particles
  • Extended answer Questions
  • Full Circle


End-Of-Topic Tests on:-

  • Electrical Circuits
  • Extended Answer Questions
  • Full circle


End-Of-Topic Tests on:-


  • Waves
  • Extended answer Questions
  • Full circle



End-Of-Topic Tests on:-


  • Forces
  • Extended answer Questions
  • Test Evaluation


P1 Formative Assessment


Formal Exam based on all work covered in Year 9 from terms 1 to 4


P3 Formative Assessment



The Windsor Boys’ School Physics Curriculum Map Year 10


Autumn 1


Autumn 2


Spring 1


Spring 2


Summer 1


Summer 2












P7 Radioactivity


P2 Heating and required practicals


P6 Particles (separates also P11 )


P4 and P5 circuits and mains electricity


P8 Forces (amended from kerboodle scheme)


Exam and consolidation












Atomic structure

Discovery of nucleus (Rutherford)

Alpha, beta and gamma radiation

Activity and half life


Target science p202-211


Energy transfer by conduction

Insulation and thermal conductivity

Specific heat capacity and specific latent heat


Required practicals on specific heat capacity and density and insulation


Separates will also finish P7 – fission and fusion


Not in target science


Changes of state

Internal energy

Particle model of materials

Behaviour of gases


Separate will also study Pressure including Gas pressure and P11 – Pressure in solids and liquids, upthrust and flotation


Not in target science


Circuit diagrams,

Current, charge, potential difference and resistance.

Pd-current characteristics for different components

Series and parallel components


Separate will also cover static electricity


Target science p18 to 37


Definition of forces 

Contact and non-contact forces 

Scalar and vector quantities, 

Revision of mass/weight

Newton’s 3 laws

Balanced and unbalanced forces 

Hooke’s law required practical 

Centre of mass including practical 

Separate will also include Moments

Target sci p60-67 and 76-77



Complete P8

Exam review

Topic consolidation based on exam review


This time can be used to revise anything from year 9 or 10 if in IE













Topic test P7


Extended answer questions on P7


Full Circle


Topic test P2

Test evaluation

Longer answer question on required practicals


Topic test P7

Test evaluation

longer answer questions on P7


Calculations practice and longer answer questions for P6 (and P11 for separate)




Topic test P4 and P5

Test evaluation

longer answer questions on P4 and P5



Year 10 exam


Required practical on Hooke’s law questions



The Windsor Boys’ School Physics Curriculum Map Year 11 2024


Autumn 1


Autumn 2


Spring 1


Spring 2


Summer 1


Summer 2












P12/14 Waves



P13 E.M waves

P15 Magnetism


P9 Motion/P10 Forces/revision


P10 Forces

P16 Space


Revision and exam prep















Wave properties and key terms

Investigating sound waves

Using a ripple tank

Waves on a string

HT only reflection and refraction


Separate science also cover

Sound and ultrasound

Seismic waves


Investigating light properties




P13 Electromagnetic waves

Wave names and order of wavelength

Waves for communication

Dangers and uses of waves, esp Xrays

Reflection/ absorption required practical


 P15 electromagnetism

Magnetic fields and electromagnets

HT only motor effect


Separate science also cover 

Generator effect


Uses of electromagnets




Revision and mock exam


P9 Motion

Distance time graphs

Velocity & acceleration

Velocity time graphs







Investigate F=ma

Terminal velocity

Car stopping distances

HT only momentum

Resolving and resultant forces


Separate also cover

Conservation of momentum

Impact forces

Car safety


Revision and mock preparation


P16 space

Stellar and solar system evolution

Forces and circular motion

Big Bang and red shift
















6 mark and graph analysis question


Measuring waves required practical 8


Separate only Investigate reflection and refraction required practical 9


6 Mark question


Investigate infrared radiation required practical 10





Mostly drawn from P8 to P16, resembling paper 2


F=ma required practical 7 – this may be after mock depending on exact dates


Exam questions on sections not covered by the mock.