Homework and Resources - SharePoint, Teams and Arbor
The school has two ways for students to access resources and one central point to access homework. Staff will share resources through both SharePoint, Teams and Arbor and will set all homework via Arbor.
For Students
- SharePoint can be accessed from school or home computers and via a mobile phone by students.
- Downloading the apps (as shown above for SharePoint and Teams) will mean that students can check resources specific for their lessons. Teachers will guide them to the correct areas. Each subject has their own section.
- Students can also save work in SharePoint in their own areas.
- Homework can be found on Arbor along with timetables, exam timetables, detentions and before and after school events specific to each student. All students have a login for Arbor and have been sent details via their school email address.
For Parents
- Parents will not have a log-in to SharePoint.
- All parents have a login for Arbor and there is also an app that can be downloaded (this is for parents not students) where all the information about your child/guardian’s day can be found.
Miss Hague
Assistant Headteacher