Curriculum overview
Aims of the Curriculum
The curriculum at The Windsor Boys’ School supports the aims, ethos and values of the school by:
- Promoting the intellectual, aesthetic, moral, physical and social development of all students
- Providing opportunities for the creative and performing arts to make a contribution to the education of young people
- Ensuring that equality of opportunity in access to the curriculum is an entitlement
- Ensuring that extra-curricular activities play an important part in school life
- Providing students with every opportunity to be happy and successful learners
Our curriculum has three key aims; namely that all pupils should be:
- Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
- Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
- Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
If you have any questions relating to the curriculum, please contact in the first instance.
Organisation of the Curriculum at The Windsor Boys' School
Our taught curriculum is delivered through a two-weekly timetable with each day divided into five periods of 60 minutes. The timings of the day are as follows:
Time | Event |
8:40 | Registration |
8:55 | Period 1 |
9:55 | Period 2 |
10:55 | Short Break |
11:25 | Period 3 |
12:25 | Period 4 |
13:25 | Lunch Break |
13:55 | Registration |
14:05 | Period 5 |
15:05 | End of School |
Year 9 (Key Stage 3)
All students in Year 9 follow a broad and balanced curriculum that prepares them to:
- make informed and sensible choices during the GCSE options process
- fulfil their potential in their GCSE examinations at the end of Year 11
Subject | |
English | |
Maths | |
Science | |
Art / Drama / Music | |
Design Technology & Food Technology | |
Geography | |
History | |
MFL | |
PSHE | |
PE & Games | |
Theology & Ethics |
Year 9 Options
Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4)
The curriculum in Years 10 and 11 gives students more choice but within an overall framework that ensures they enjoy a broad and balanced education. All students follow a common core of subjects and supplement this with up to four option choices. Students are given a choice of options but guidance is given to ensure that courses are appropriate and the curriculum is broad and balanced. Although every effort is made to accommodate the choices of every student, due to timetabling and staffing constraints, it is not always possible.
English |
Maths |
Science |
PE & Games |
PSHE / Theology & Ethics |
Option 1 |
Option 2 |
Option 3 |
Option 4 |
The following GCSE Options are offered:
- Arts – Art, Drama, Music
- Humanities – Geography, History, Theology & Ethics
- Languages – French, Spanish
- Others – Business Studies, Computer Studies, Media Studies, Sports Studies, Design and Technology
The following vocational options area offered: Business Studies, Music, Sports Studies, Catering & Hospitality
Post 16 (Key Stage 5)
The post-16 curriculum is designed to ensure progression from Year 11 and on to university, further education, training or employment. We currently offer two year courses at level 3 which lead to a wide range of academic and vocational qualifications. In addition we offer a one year course which is a mixture of level 2 and level 3 qualifications. The sixth form prospectus provides information about the entry requirements and pathways, and the support available to students to help them progress through the sixth form and on to their chosen destination.
GCE/BTEC Route | |
Option 1 | |
Option 2 | |
Option 3 | |
Option 4 | |
Games | |
The following GCE Options are offered:
- Art, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Design Technology, Economics, English, French, Further Mathematics, Geography, German, History, IT, Law, Mathematics, Media Studies, Music, Photography, Physics, Psychology, Sports Studies, Theatre Studies, Theology and Ethics
This is reviewed annually. Some courses are taught at Windsor Girls’ School.
The following BTEC Options are offered:
- Business Studies, IT, Sports Studies