Biology Curriculum Map Year 13
The Windsor Boys’ School Biology Curriculum Map Year 13
Autumn 1 |
| Autumn 2 |
| Spring 1 |
| Spring 2 |
| Summer 1 |
| Summer 2 |
Module 5 Communication, homeostasis and energy |
| Module 5 Communication, homeostasis and energy |
| Module 6 Genetics and evolution |
| Module 6 Genetics and evolution |
| Revision |
| Revision and exams |
Chapter 13 Neuronal communication
Chapter 14 Hormonal communication
Chapter 15 Homeostasis
Chapter 18 Respiration |
| Chapter 16 plant responses
Year 13 mock
Chapter 17 Energy for biological processes |
| Chapter 19 Genetics of living systems
Chapter 20 Patterns of inheritance and variation
| Year 13 Mock
Chapter 21 Manipulating genomes
Chapter 22 Cloning and biotechnology |
| Module 2 Foundations
Module 3 Exchange and transport
Module 4 biodiversity, evolution and disease
Module 6 Ecosystems, population and sustainability
As well as the year 13 content |
| End of course exams |
Assessments |
Chapter 13 Nervous system one hour assessment
PAG 12: Investigation into the respiration rate of Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
| Mock exam paper, 2 hours 15 minutes, H420/01
PAG 3: TLC of photosynthetic pigments |
| Chapter 19 and 20 combined one hour assessment |
| Mock exam paper, 2 hours, combined H420/02 and H420/03 questions
PAG 7: The effects of antibiotics on microbial growth |
| Practice questions and exam papers from H420/01, 02 and 03 papers |