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Science Society ‘Hopping’ from Strength to Strength

During their lunch on Monday 11th October, Jack Nelhams (Year 11) and Oliver Sheppard (Year 13) demonstrated to a number of pupils in Sixth form and the Lower school, how to dissect a frog and rat.


Oliver expertly cut open the abdomen of the rat clearly exposing the small intestine, liver and other organs. Finally, Oliver tried to remove and view the brain but this task was just a bit too cerebral for him!


Jack who previously dissected a frog during the Open evening in September did such a princely job, that I asked him to do it again for others to see, he jumped at the opportunity. He willingly giving up his lunch to showcase the internal organs of the frog to his peers, we saw the lungs, gall bladder, fatty deposits and many other fascinating organs.


I want to thank these two boys immensely for taking the time to show this to others who are interested in science.


If anyone is interested in carrying out a dissection after half term, they need to come and speak to Mr Wilson or Mrs Arnold in the next 3 or 4 weeks.


Alex Wilson
Head of Biology, TWBS