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The Windsor Boys' School

Uno Animo

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House Activities – Years 10, 11 & 6th form

During the last weeks of term all pupils had the opportunity to represent their House in one of Football, Badminton, Bridge Building, Escape Room, Public Speaking and Chess.


The activities were certainly undertaken with good cheer and no little effort.  Football was dominated by Burnett, who won all competitions bar Year 10, where they lost on sudden-death penalties to Allen in the final.  Allen also thrived at Badminton, placing in the top two positions in three out of the four events.  Public Speaking for Year 9 (won by Ottrey) gave way to Chess for the others as mask wearing returned.


In the Sixth Form, Chess event Lambdin won the final in just four moves! In Years 9 and 10 Burgess proved the better problem solvers as they were the best Bridge Builders and very quick to get out of the Escape Room, albeit just behind Allen in Year 9.

Many thanks to all House Leaders for organising teams, but especially to Mr Wilson and Mrs Lawson for running the Bridge Building and Escape Room so excellently, and also Mr Rooke for organising and running the Public Speaking and Chess events.


Gareth Breen
Director of Sport