Year 10 end of year painting
The year 10 art class have been working relentlessly on their final pieces. These are large scale paintings using acrylic paint. Each student was asked to choose from the following themes: Identity, landscape, animals or figures. Some students decided to combine a couple of the themes to create their own interpretations.
I am very proud of my class and what they have accomplished. Each work is unique and meaningful as everyone has developed their own unique style in the course of the year. It was their first time painting on a large scale canvas and they did so with fervour and ambition. It really is a joy to teach them, since the whole group is highly motivated and passionate about art.
‘‘This is my first portrait painting based on my favourite childhood film, Kiriakou: a 2005 animated movie, set in my mother’s home country’’ Jamie Haydock-Wilson
Miss Tombs
Art teacher at the Windsor Boys’ School