House Competition Launches – Lockdown Race around the UK
Please join our House Lockdown Race around the UK. The competition will run from today (Friday 5th February) until one of the Houses completes the challenge and any form of physical activity will count, e.g. walk, (indoor or outdoor) run or cycle or ergo!!
Uno Animo points are available to the top athletes in each House, as well as House Points towards the Cockhouse Trophy according to each House’s finishing position.
Step 1 – Download the Strava app or go to and create an account or log in if you are an existing user
Step 2 – In the menu bar at the top go to Explore and then Clubs
Step 4 – Select the club with your House in brackets, for example TWBS (Warwick)
Step 5 – Request to join
Step 6 – Let your Head of House know that you have signed up
Step 7 – Get out there and add some miles to the challenge
Thank you
Gareth Breen
Director of Sport