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Football - Year 9 vs St Bartholomew’s School - County Cup

On Thursday afternoon, the Year 9 football team played away at St Bartholomew’s School, in Newbury, in the County Cup second round. Since being absent from any games or training since last year, it was going to be tough to get going again.  The game began with a slow start from both teams.  After the first ten minutes St Bartholomew’s settled into the game quickly and went ahead with a great strike. However, as the half went on Windsor started to find their feet playing into the strong wind.  From several attacks they gained a corner, Archie McWhirter fizzed the ball in right over the goalie and on a plate for James Evans to head the ball in. Windsor gained confidence from this goal which led to another corner from Archie McWhirter and once again James Evans headed the ball into the back of the net to give Windsor Boys’ the lead. With chances happening left, right and centre Windsor were pushing for a third goal but some poor decision-making in front goal kept St Bartholomew’s in the game. Time was ticking as the opposition were getting agitated forcing them to make some changes.  In the last minute of the game Miguel Dinis played a brilliant ball over the top of the defence and Josh Hill was one on one with the keeper and cleverly went around the keeper with a composed finish to end the game with a 3-1 victory taking us into the next round of the cup. It was a well earnt win but Windsor made hard work of it and will have to perform better if they want to go further in the cup.


Man of the Match – James Evans