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The Windsor Boys' School

Uno Animo

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Year 11

The Windsor Boys’ School CAREERS Curriculum Map Year 11


Autumn 1


Autumn 2


Spring 1


Spring 2


Summer 1


Summer 2














Future Pathways


Future Pathways


Future Pathways


Study Skills














  1. One to one careers interviews (NEET at risk students)
  2. Outside speakers used to provide a detailed insight into college options, apprenticeship options and TWBS Sixth Form Options




  • 6th Form Open Evening
  • College and Careers Fair – Ascot Racecourse;;
  • G and T trip to Oxford University.
  • students invited to attend TVLP, LEP and Eton College Careers and Futures events


  • 6th Form Interviews/IAP Day used to support students and provide guidance for post-16 options;
  • 1 to 1 or group careers guidance interviews;



  • Study Skills
  • Students invited to attend TVLP, LEP and Eton College Careers and Futures events
  • One to one careers interviews (NEET at risk students)


Study Skills




Key Dates













Mock Exams

Ascot Careers Fair Trip


Mock Exams




GCSE Exams


GCSE Exams













What are my options at the end of Year 11?

This might not be a question at the forefront of your sons’ minds at the moment, however the autumn term is a key time to start thinking about what they would like to do after sitting their GCSEs. The range of opportunities and choices for young people has grown considerably and it is advisable to research all these options in order to make the right choice. The first step this term is to visit local college open days/evenings and a list of these, together with website links can be viewed online:

If your son is unsure about which subjects to study START is a great site to visit in order to match their interests and strengths to specific careers: On a day to day basis, if your son has any questions he can email Mrs Ingels at: or speak to his form tutor.


Progression Interviews

The Sixth Form Team conduct ‘one to one’ interviews with each pupil in year 11 to discuss their individual performance, post 16 options and their future ambitions. These discussions allow students to ask questions about the school’s sixth form, college applications and suitability, plus initial thoughts on university. It also allows the school to plan for the next academic year, seeing what subjects have been provisionally chosen, plus the number of potential student that we may have next year. The students enjoy this opportunity to open up with senior colleagues, get purposeful feedback on their potential career entry point, and guidance towards the next steps in their education.