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Biology Curriculum Map Year 13

The Windsor Boys’ School Biology Curriculum Map Year 13


Autumn 1


Autumn 2


Spring 1


Spring 2


Summer 1


Summer 2












Module 5 Communication, homeostasis and energy


Module 5

Communication, homeostasis and energy


Module 6

Genetics and evolution


Module 6 Genetics and evolution




Revision and exams












Chapter 13 Neuronal communication


Chapter 14 Hormonal communication


Chapter 15 Homeostasis


Chapter 18 Respiration


Chapter 16 plant responses


Year 13 mock


Chapter 17 Energy for biological processes


Chapter 19 Genetics of living systems


Chapter 20 Patterns of inheritance and variation



Year 13 Mock


Chapter 21 Manipulating genomes


Chapter 22 Cloning and biotechnology


Module 2 Foundations


Module 3 Exchange and transport


Module 4 biodiversity, evolution and disease


Module 6 Ecosystems, population and sustainability


As well as the year 13 content


End of course exams













Chapter 13 Nervous system one hour assessment


PAG 12: Investigation into the respiration rate of Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Mock exam paper, 2 hours 15 minutes, H420/01


PAG 3: TLC of photosynthetic pigments


Chapter 19 and 20 combined one hour assessment


Mock exam paper, 2 hours, combined H420/02 and H420/03 questions


PAG 7: The effects of antibiotics on microbial growth


Practice questions and exam papers from H420/01, 02 and 03 papers