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Biology Curriculum Map Year 9

The Windsor Boys’ School Biology Curriculum Map Year 9


Autumn 1


Autumn 2


Spring 1


Spring 2


Summer 1


Summer 2












B1: Cells and Microscopy


B4: Organising Animals


B7: Non-communicable disease


B4: Organising Plants



B15: Classification


B17: Organising an Ecosystem












The structure and function of plant and animal cells. Calculating magnification.

Setting up and using a light microscope.

Cells and their specialisation.


Required practical –

Use of a microscope to see onion cells.




Structure and function of the heart and lungs.

Sequence of ventilation and cardiac cycle.

Linking heart and lung function and structure.



Defining health as physical and mental well-being.

Planning diets to fit a balanced diet.

Linking lifestyles e.g. smoking, alcohol and drugs to diseases.

Linking exercise to health.


Plant structure including the leaf and stem.

Function of the xylem and phloem.

Function of transpiration through the plant and how factors effect it.

Measuring the rate of photosynthesis.

Relating photosynthesis to food production.


Required practical –

Measuring rate of photosynthesis.


The classification of organisms using the binomial system.

The use of keys to identify species.

Interpreting data related to ecosystems.




Interpreting data related to ecosystems.

Food chains within ecosystems; (trophic levels within an ecosystem).

Transfer of biomass through a food chain.


Required practical –

Measuring the size of common species in a habitat.













End of topic test (Higher and Foundation)


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End of topic test (Higher and Foundation)


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End of topic test (Higher and Foundation)


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End of topic test (Higher and Foundation)


Assessment Feedback


End of topic test (Higher and Foundation)


Assessment Feedback


End of topic test (Higher and Foundation)


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